Mindfulness Techniques for Better Climbing Performance

One person spotting another doing outdoor boudlering.

‘Brilliant mix of practical and “classroom”. Instant improvements seen during the course. Expanded my skillset massively.’ James, course participant

COMING SOON! Mindfulness Techinques for Better Climbing Course date

  • 17:00 – 20:30 on Friday 22 September 2023 in the Peaks (weather permitting) or the Mini Climbing Works (if the weather is bad)

Get in touch if you’d like to sign up!

Have you reached a plateau in your climbing?

Do you feel that something is holding you back?

I have teamed up with experienced climbing coach Becca Lounds of ClimbMoveRun to provide an innovative new course on Mindfulness Techniques for Better Climbing Performance.

The 3.5 hour face-to-face seminar combines an introduction to practical mindfulness and compassion-based techniques with bouldering challenges, so you get to see how you can apply practices to help you maintain or regain composure during climbing. The course is suitable for all abilities and climbing styles and costs £70 per person. Feedback from students has been really positive.

Becca and I have also co-authored an article in Climber Magazine (July-August 2021) edition on ‘Helpful and Unhelpful fear in climbing’. The course elaborates on this theme, examining how being in the present (i.e. mindful) and being less self-critical (i.e. self-compassionate) can help you:

  • manage and reduce pressures such as fear and performance anxiety
  • regain composure when you feel overwhelmed
  • get over mistakes more quickly, and
  • have an increased adaptability to your environment and your own condition

Here’s a short video introduction to the course. 

Get in touch via the contact page if you’re interested in doing the course. Check out ClimbMoveRun to see the climbing, fell running, and movement coaching they offer.

Dr Kris Chapman, Mindfulkindfulness

Further feedback from participants

“I really enjoyed the course, found it informative, fun and most importantly it has given me tools that I can use on my own to help my climbing performance. I used the techniques as I was climbing during the workshop and I could see the benefit of it straight away. What I really liked was the fact that you both have different backgrounds and expertise. Your background in mindfulness and martial arts [Kris] and Becca’s [high] experience in coaching meant that I could apply the principles straight away in an environment where it really matters to me – outdoors! I would 100% recommend this to all the climbers regardless of their climbing level. Thank you again and I am looking forward to putting the new tools into action.”

“A friendly introduction to practical mindfulness techniques, and applying these to climbing. The course has given me a ‘tool kit’ to take out when bouldering, and (especially for me) on routes, when fear and performance anxiety can get in the way of climbing.”

“I really enjoyed the practical elements of the course, both in terms of climbing and mindfulness exercises. Well chosen challenges on the wall! … All the approaches introduced seem really effective so it’s something I will incorporate in my climbing as well as day to day life.”

“It was really useful to consider how mindfulness and compassion plays a part in climbing. I have an awareness of mental health but this has given me a new insight and understanding into my sessions. Thank you!”

“It was really good. I’m excited to try and implement these techniques into my training.”

ClimbMoveRun logo - a circular illustration of a fell runner

Mindfulness teaching at Apparent North
Kris teaching Mindfulness Techniques at Stanage Edge.
Becca Lounds coaching a student on the bouldering wall
Becca sets a bouldering challenge for an MTBCP participant
Becca Lounds and Kris Becca at the Mini Climbing Works
Becca Lounds and Dr Kris Chapman