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Get in touch using the contact form, by emailing , or call me on 07539 580215 if you are interested in a taster session or would like to sign up for any of the courses mentioned on this website.

Mindfulness Techniques for Better Climbing Performance

I’m team up with Becca Lounds from ClimbMoveRun to offer our well-received course especially for climbers. Keep checking back for future dates, or get in touch with me using the form, email, or phone number above. See the Mindfulness Techniques for Better Climbing Performance course page for more information about the course content and participant feedback.


More than just sports meditation…

Mindfulkindfulness sessions and courses can teach you how being more present can help you deal with everyday stress and show you how kinder self-talk in sport, rather than harsh self-criticism, can help you improve your mindset , focus, and composure allowing you to optimise your performance and wellbeing in your chosen sport.

Get in the flow

What we offer includes but is not limited to sport meditation, as we can show you being present-focused and intrinsically motivated can help facilitate ‘flow’ experience – the peak performance you get when you are in the zone. In turn, optimising your performance in the moment helps you achieve your goals without those goals themselves becoming a distraction or worry. I discuss the benefits of applying mindfulness in sport in this article.

Applied meditation for athletes and much more

Mindfulkindfulness courses offer a unique perspective on the performance psychology of sport by showing you how applied mindfulness and compassion-based techniques can help you optimise your performance by focusing on the present, rather than getting caught up in expectations of how you ‘should’ be performing.

We teach meditation for sport performance, but also show how mindfulness is not limited to meditation, but is a mental skill that can be applied to fit with your existing sports routines. Techniques such as meditation for sport performance needn’t consist of long periods of sitting meditation, you can do mindful movement: running meditation, or golf meditation.

We also look at how perfectionism can be detrimental to your performance. Take a look at my article on perfectionism in golf to learn more.

The benefits of boosting your mental game

The courses are relevant for anyone serious about optimising their performance by improving their mental game: from amateur athletes seeking mindfulness in running, those looking to link running and meditation, to tennis coaches, serious golfers seeking to improve their golf psychology, or elite athletes who want to use self talk sports psychology. Perhaps your’e looking for golf psychology tips or meditation for sports performance, training your mind as well as your body using these techniques can help you:

  • Improve focus and concentration
  • Have better bodily and emotional awareness
  • Be able to get over mistakes more quickly
  • Deal better emotionally with difficulties such as injury
  • Understand your motivations so you can adapt your training to be more enjoyable
  • Enable you to adapt to changes in the moment during competition so you can act with composure.
  • Manage stressful experiences such as performance anxiety.