Mindfulness for Sport: Essentials

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  • Would you like to know how mindfulness and compassion can help improve your performance, enjoyment and wellbeing in sport?

  • Are you looking for information on how to up your mental game and build resilience in training and competition?

This short course on how to apply mindfulness and compassion in sport will give you an accessible, practical introduction into how mindfulness and compassion-based approaches and techniques can help you in your sport. You don’t need much time to do the course: just one morning, afternoon, or evening (it’s 3.5  hours of learning). The course cost is £70 per person (group rates are available on request). Here’s a short video introduction to the course.

Unlike standard mindfulness courses, this course is specifically tailored for athletes and coaches. It also draws on my unique blend of many years of martial arts experience, PhD on the anthropology of Japanese martial arts, as well as my personal practice and training in mindfulness and compassion, to provide you with both the conceptual fundamentals and practical techniques you can apply in your daily and weekly training routines.

By the end of this half-day course, you will:

  1. Understand the concepts of mindfulness and compassion and their relevance to sport, especially regarding mental preparation for training and competition, and building personal resilience;
  2. Have practical experience of short mindfulness and compassion-based practices and techniques that can help you deal with pressured situations in your sport more effectively (e.g. getting over mistakes, losses, injury, and handling pressure moments); and
  3. Have access to written and video-materials to enable you to put into practice what you have learned after the course completion.

You can either do this course as stand-alone learning, or as a pre-cursor to my comprehensive 8-week course on Improving Sports Performance through Mindfulness and Compassion.

Get in touch via the contact page if you’d like to sign up for a course or ask any questions. 

Dr. Kris Chapman, Mindfulkindfulness

“I really enjoyed this short Mindfulness for Sport course. It introduced me to some simple practices for using mindfulness not only in sport but also in my daily life. I now understand the connection between better sport performance and wellbeing in general and a compassionate attitude towards myself. I will definitely be using the 10-finger breathing exercise and I will also introduce it to my family.”